A colleague of mine came up with this ingenious car design for our Maker Club at the public library. It is made from recycled materials and electronic components easily found at a dollar store.
Step 1: Supplies
1.One oblong piece of strong cardboard 5x7.5 inches
2.Two empty Bic-type disposable pen tubes
3.Thin rubber band
4.One water bottle cap with a hole drilled in its centre
5.Two large wheels (cardboard or large vitamin bottle caps with holes drilled in
the centre)
6.Two fat rubber bands to put around the large wheels to give them traction (cut
the rubber band and hot glue it onto the wheel if it’s too big)
7.One thin cardboard circle with a hole in the centre that is smaller than the big
wheel, but bigger than the bottle cap
8.Two small wheels (Large lifesavers)
9.Duct tape
10.Two popsicle sticks
11.Two wooden skewers, one six inches, one seven and a half inches, plus an extra
wooden skewer (size doesn’t matter for that one). Sharpen the ends of the
shorter wooden skewer
12.Two small pieces of an eraser
13.One AAA battery holder with exposed wires (if yours does not have this, simply
strip off some of the plastic coating on both the wires so that you have about
an inch of exposed wire).
14.One alligator clip.
15.One toy motor (can buy a small personal fan at the dollar store and take it
apart to get the motor or buy one from an electronics store/hobby store) with a
ball bearing or small nut soldered onto the end. If you are new to soldering,
there are various Instructables on it.
16.Soldering iron and solder
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